The TikTok community is filled with inspiring creators who share their incredible talents, personal stories, and lift each other up. This week, we are spotlighting Iain, aka @thekingofchemo, who is a trailblazer using TikTok to share his story with millions of followers (and raise millions for charity at the same time!).

Since being diagnosed with terminal brain cancer four years ago, Iain has been on a mission to break fundraising world records and impact as many people as he can. His approach to fundraising removes the pressure for individual contribution and instead relies on his growing social media platform and brand sponsorship deals to meet his goal.

Whether it's running 12 marathons in 2024, 30-day challenges in the gym, or cycling challenges that have taken him across Europe, Iain embraces every challenge and inspires our community with such joy, positivity, and purpose.

Earlier this week, we sat down with @thekingofchemo to ask him all about his World Record attempt, his journey on TikTok, his favourite content and how he uses the platform to make a difference.

Iain, you are inspiring people around the world with your World Record attempt. Can you tell us more about it?

I got terminal brain cancer just after turning 30, meaning getting to 40 is possible, but not likely. So, I decided I‘d dedicate the remaining time I have left to breaking a charity world record, and achieve something that really means something. My method is completely unique, I don’t ask people to donate to charity, I ask people to save their money, and just follow my account, and then I use my large account to attract sponsorship, and the sponsors donate to charity instead of paying me, and I promote their products/services on my channel. Everyone wins.

Why did you decide to start sharing your journey on TikTok?

My friend JP convinced me that it wasn’t just for teenagers, and that you just use it for a day or two and quickly the algorithm starts showing you stuff that you like, but far more importantly he said it’s a platform that really helps creators get going so much sooner than Instagram or YouTube. I think I got 15,000 views off my third video I ever posted on TikTok. Soon my followers on TikTok skyrocketed and it really boosted my motivation and enthusiasm to achieve my life's ambition.

What other creators do you follow on TikTok?

Mr Beast and PewDeePie were big teachers to me. I based my whole charity concept off what those guys do on social media. They both donate so much, and people really love seeing that, so I thought why not try doing that in a way where I donate all the money I get from social media. Like will it ever get to 50 million followers and we’re raising billions for charity? Cure cancer, end homelessness in an entire city, it’s just pressing a button on your phone, so the momentum of that could end up literally changing the planet without costing people anything.

It's also amazing to see people in the public eye follow the account. I'm still not over the fact that Tom Holland follows me - the charity he and his brothers run does amazing work and I really want to work with them sometime in the future.

What is your favorite TikTok you have made to date and why?

Unquestionably one of my videos that I made by the Cliffs of Mother in Ireland which carried me over the 1 million followers and then over 2 million mark in the space of a week. It took a day or so to take off, but it went viral while I was actually doing a live stream, and I found out through people in the chat, so I got to experience it with people in a way. I got in talks with a sponsor a few days later. That video really levelled up everything I was doing. That year we raised over £150,000.

@thekingofchemo If you only do 1 semi productive thing today. Follow this channel and help raise money for something that will effect you at some point in you life. If you want to do more. Share it with everyone you know. #start2023 #start2023right #newyearnewme #inspirationalvideo #dontletthemwin #socialmediagrowth #selfbelief #humour #braintumour #killcancer #curecancer #motivationalvideo #doitforthem #doitforyourself #friendsandfamily #nodonation #dontdonate ♬ Green Green Grass - George Ezra

Do you think people can use TikTok to make a difference?

I am living proof of that. Social media, like money, is a medium - it’s entirely down to the people and how it’s used. TikTok as a platform has so much potential to change the world for good, and I try to be an example of that.

Finally, what else is on your For You feed?!

Either debates on various topics, or really dark and/or stupid jokes/sketches.

New to TikTok and want to explore more content? Getting involved couldn’t be easier, simply download the app for free via the Apple App Store, Google Play or Amazon.