Community19 Mar 2021
TikTok Creator Spotlight: @dr.karanr
Ever wanted to ask a doctor about what it's really like working on the wards? What it's like being a real life surgeon? Or just want to know that medical fact that will shock all your friends?
Meet NHS Hero and TikTok legend, @dr.karanr, TikTok's own resident surgeon, who is here to help you with answers to the questions you've always wanted to know...
From questions about underlying health conditions, to insight into the inner workings of the NHS in the UK, Dr Karan has got an answer and insight for everything.
What's more, he'll serve you the answers you've always wanted to know with a smile, a laugh and classic British humour
You can hear about the history of the CPR dummies.. 😗
Hear the inside scoop on vaccination strategy 💉
Or fun facts about your body that can also serve present ideas for your mother (?!) 🤰
So we sat down with Dr Karan, to hear about his experiences, in his own words...
My name is Dr Karan Rajan, I’m a general surgeon in the NHS & an honorary clinical lecturer at the University of Sunderland. I love to combine education with entertainment to disseminate information online!
What do you love most about TikTok?
The spontaneity and the increasingly high educational value of videos I see!
Why is TikTok right for your content?
The immense potential for discoverability and ability to engage a wide demographic from 18 to 80!
What is your favourite effect?
My TikTok experience wouldn’t have been the same without green screen!
What is your goal on TikTok?
Educate and entertain!
Who do you follow on TikTok – and why? / What is on your TikTok feed?
My TikTok feed is filled with laughter...I love comedy and the people I follow are pure 2014 nostalgia..@Kingbach, @imtyrone, @zachking etc
What is your favourite TikTok you have made to date and why?
Probably my first TikTok that really took back in early Feb 2020..the first of my series “weird medical facts”! I made it just before work, scrubbed in for a 3 hour surgery came out and saw it blew up!
I love it because it really launched me on TikTok and gave me a chance to educate everyone with facts, science and health but also keep people entertained!
What kick started your Learn On TikTok content?
I’ve been on social media in some capacity since 2010 and I’ve always made some form of educational content - whether it’s teaching medical students how to do Procedures or telling stories about medical doing more educational stuff with #learnontiktok was a natural progression!
New to TikTok and keen to follow Dr Karan? Getting involved couldn't be easier, simply download the app for free via the Apple App Store, Google Play or Amazon.
Community19 Mar 2021
United Kingdom