Community14 Jul 2023
TikTok creator spotlight @BeckyHelen
July is Disability Pride Month, an important moment for our TikTok community to reflect on, celebrate and champion the incredible differently abled voices that make TikTok what it is. So for this week's creator spotlight, we are shining a light on creator @BeckyyHelen, who uses TikTok to inspire, connect with and educate people about being deaf.
From teaching her followers how to use British Sign Language to posting relatable content about the difficulty of getting a diagnosis, Becky lifts the lid on deaf culture helping us all to understand a little more about life with hearing loss.
But she doesn't stop there with her inspiring content, and no topic is too hard for Becky to tackle. Becky uses her platform to discuss the importance of mental health, helping to create a safe and supportive space for others to share their own experiences and build understanding.
This week, we sat down with Becky to talk about Disability Pride Month, what it means to her, and who her biggest inspiration has been in creating her content.
What does Disability Pride month mean to you?
Disability Pride Month to me is an opportunity for everyone with a disability to be able to talk about and celebrate their individuality.
What other creators with a disability inspire you on TikTok?
My partner Immy who is so sadly no longer here, was, and still is, a constant inspiration to me, with her strength and will to fight for help and understanding of mental health issues and Deaf culture and deaf issues.
Why did you decide to start creating content on TikTok?
I first started TikTok content creation during the first Covid lockdown. I was furloughed from work and didn’t have much to do. I started to copy trends on TikTok and then started to make my own sketches which gradually began to be about being deaf, deaf issues and problems, as followers started to ask questions and make comments about my deafness. And the rest, as they say, is history.
What is your goal on TikTok?
My goal on TikTok is to carry on spreading the word.
What else is on your For You feed?!
At the moment there is a lot about dealing with mental health issues on my For You Feed as Immy suffered from mental health illness. But also lots of amusing animal videos which always cheer me up and make me laugh.
What is your favourite TikTok video you have made to date and why?
My favourite TikTok video is when my mum is trying to get my attention from downstairs when I am upstairs. It is my favourite because I really enjoy making videos with my mum and this one was such a laugh.
New to TikTok and keen to learn more about Disability Pride Month? It couldn't be easier, simply download the app for free via the Apple App Store, Google Play or Amazon!
Community14 Jul 2023
United Kingdom