NewsAug 1, 2019
Hit the woah: We're partnering with GIPHY to bring GIFs to TikTok
TikTok is the platform people turn to when they’re looking to laugh, to swoon, or to share their pride. It’s a place where people can express their creativity... or, that feeling when you #walkamile to time travel to #oldtownforever but randomly land in the sixth dimension. Now we're expanding the opportunity for creative expression by partnering with GIPHY to add even more options to TikTok's creative editing features.
#GetGIPHY on TikTok
Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve integrated everyone’s favorite GIF platform, GIPHY, to inspire even more unique style on TikTok! With this integration, TikTok users can now add GIPHY’s top-trending GIF Stickers to their videos by simply hitting the Stickers button.
To celebrate the partnership, we worked with GIPHY Studios to create several new Stickers that enhance the trends our users love and portray emotions we can all react to. Whether it’s your affinity for #oddlysatisfying content or to exclaim that “dogs are great,” there’s a Sticker for that. We also teamed up with creators from the TikTok community so you can easily express yourself with a dabbing @DreaKnowsBest, sip some #yeeyeejuice with @BenoftheWeek, or dance it out with @Gabe. Search #getGIPHY on TikTok to find the Stickers.
#TikTok on GIPHY
But wait, there’s more! Several beloved memes that got their start on TikTok have also been turned into GIF Stickers and are available by searching #TikTok everywhere GIPHY’s library is available. So if you’re talking to coworkers on Slack or messaging friends on Instagram, it’s easy to drop in an iconic TikTok moment, like:

#HitTheWoah -- TikTok users are constantly showing off their daily ‘Woah.’

#HeresTheTea -- Now you can spill the tea on and off TikTok.

#TheGitUp -- Everyone loves to do the two-step then cowboy boogie on TikTok.
In need of some artistic inspo?
The next time you want to spill the tea or hit the woah, go ahead and drop in a GIF. It’s this simple to add GIPHY Stickers to your TikTok videos:
Go on, #getGIPHY on TikTok!
NewsAug 1, 2019
United States