Keara Wilson (@keke.janajah), a 20-year-old dancer and choreographer, takes to TikTok to share her moves and a behind-the-scenes look at her life. You might know her for creating the popular Savage dance to Megan Thee Stallion's hit song, which earned her a spot on The Discover List in 2021. In the future, she plans on getting certified to become a group fitness instructor to further her career. Read on to learn more about Keke, her experience going viral, and her dance creation process!
Do you remember the moment you first went viral? What was that like for you?
I was the biggest shock of my life. I had just left the gym, and all of a sudden it felt like everyone that I knew was reaching out to me, telling me Megan Thee Stallion had posted about me. I could barely believe it! I was so excited when I realized it was reality, that I fell to the floor and started crying (my sister, not so much!).
How did you come up with your username?
My nickname is Keke and Janajah is my middle name. Not a lot of people know that!
How do you make up dances?
My process depends on if the songs have a weird beat or lyrics. If it doesn’t, it won’t take me very long. I can create a dance in an hour or thirty minutes.
What was it like getting your dances copyrighted?
Actually, I was out to dinner – and again, I cried! It was such a surreal moment I had waited so long for. I worked so hard on getting recognized and it finally happened. These dances were actually mine.
Who is the most exciting person you’ve worked with so far?
I made up a dance for T-Pain and I thought that was so cool!
What advice would you give to other dancers on TikTok?
Never give up! The sky is the limit, so post constantly. Be yourself, have fun and always remember to lift each other up.