Following the announcement we made last month to invest in and elevate creators in the Latinx community, today we're kicking off Creator Spotlights to celebrate Latinx Heritage Month.

On TikTok, Latinx creators come together to celebrate culture, break down stereotypes, inspire others to enjoy life through authentic content, and, of course, to create super relatable and funny videos. Throughout Latinx Heritage Month, we'll feature 15 Latinx Trailblazers to learn more about their journey on TikTok and what it means to be a Trailblazer to the community.

First up is a creator who has touched the hearts of millions with his good deeds: Jesús Morales, known on TikTok as @juixxe. A first-generation Mexican immigrant and Latino, Jesús collects donations from his followers to support street vendors, and shares the inspiring interactions on TikTok. Over the past year, he has given out over $110,000 in cash donations to vendors throughout Southern California!

Read more from our Q&A with Jesús below!

What does it mean to you to be part of the Latinx community?

I am proud to be a part of the Latinx community because of the sacrifices of my parents. My parents came to this country with nothing but a dream to provide a better future for my sisters and me. Because of them, I have been blessed with the opportunity to be able to have a voice and be able to provide help for the community. I am proud of my ethnicity and I am proud to be a first-generation immigrant. I hope to make a difference in the Latinx community by making an impact that inspires many generations after mine.

How has your culture influenced or shaped you?

My culture has shaped me into a person who works hard for what they want and has influenced me to take pride in where I come from.

How do you share your culture & community on and off of TikTok?

I share my culture on TikTok by continuously sharing the stories of many Latinxs that come from different countries to be able to live a better life. Also by primarily speaking Spanish in my TikTok videos and highlighting the importance of UNITY within commUNITY in my videos.

Off of TikTok I share my culture by creating merchandise that represents Mexican culture as well as the immigrant culture in general. I also make sure to support Latinx-owned small businesses and do my best to help them gain more business with my social media.

How has the TikTok community inspired you?

The TikTok community is what inspired me to start giving back online. I saw that other creators were using their platform to create miracles for strangers in their communities and I wanted to do the same for the Latinx community.

What video are you most proud of creating?

I’m most proud of the video where I gifted a street vendor $20,000 in cash. I never would’ve imagined giving someone that much money in my life.

What are some content creation tips you would offer to other creators?

Create content that you LOVE making. If you don’t genuinely love what you’re making, you will eventually get tired of creating. Create content with a PURPOSE and always remember WHY you’re creating.

Who are some Latinx creators that everyone should be following/watching?


[Trailblazer illustrations created by Brazillian artist Niege Borges for TikTok's Latinx Heritage Month celebration]