Free to Be is our rallying cry for Pride 2021 -- we want everyone on TikTok to embrace their authentic selves and unapologetically share who they are with the world. The next creators on our Creator Spotlight Series are doing just that through their videos on TikTok. Meet twins Luca Coyle and Cooper Coyle (@coyletwins), the Coyle twins by day and drag queens Sugar and Spice by night. These siblings use their platform to showcase the power of drag and educate people about the LGBTQ+ community, all while being themselves and dressing like life size fashion dolls.

This iconic duo are part of our new wave of LGBTQ+ TikTok Trailblazers. Get to know more about who they are, below, and learn more about what Pride means to them.

What does Pride mean to you? How has that meaning changed for you over time?

Pride to us means being your 100% unapologetic self, and living without fear of people judging you or not liking you because of who you are! Our “pride” strengthens each year as we look back at our younger days and realize how far we have come in owning our true identities.

How has your identity influenced or shaped you?

Being gay twins who are also drag queens, our identity has allowed us to be fearless, live our truth, and not take life seriously while doing so. If we can dress up as crazy bimbos and run around our small town, then you can be whoever you want to be as well!

How do you celebrate the diversity/strength of (and also support) the LGBTQ+ community?

We celebrate by putting ourselves out there to represent people like us and hopefully inspire others to do the same.

How has the TikTok community inspired you?

It has shown us the power of representation and how important it is to find your “tribe” and have a sense of community on the internet. Seeing other people with shared life experiences is so empowering.

What video are you most proud of creating?

We would have to say the video where we addressed what our pronouns are. We think we got our message across about the LGBTQ community in a really fun, hilarious way that resulted in a viral video with over 11 million views. We love educating people without them even realizing it. We always say “come for the looks and stay for the crazy!” Plus we’re obsessed with our Spice Girl inspired outfits in the video of course!

What are some content creation tips you would offer to other creators?

Standing out and doing what is truly authentic to you! Sounds basic, but that’s what worked for us at least. Trends are great but we didn’t start taking off on TikTok until we started to produce original content and not follow what every other creator was doing. People really enjoy watching others have fun and being in their full element, so don’t put the pressure on yourself to make a “viral” video. We always think to ourselves: would we still enjoy making this video if no one else saw it but us? That’s how we try to look at it! Another tip: just post your video and go! Don’t over think it. There’s an audience out there for everyone, so don’t be afraid and go for it!

What advice would you give to the next generation of the LGBTQ+ community?

That your sexual identity/gender doesn’t define you, it’s something to be proud of! Now go out there and get the haters mad by being the shining star that you are.

How do you think people can be allies to the LGBTQ+ community?

By supporting and boosting their favorite LGBTQ creators! And staying open minded to learning about people that aren’t like them.

Who are some LGBTQ+ TikTok creators that everyone should be following/watching (and why)?

The Coyle Twins duhhh! Haha but seriously we love Chrissy Chlapecka, not only is she hilarious and sweet, but she has an amazing message of empowering women and not conforming to society's rules and labels.