Community26 Aug 2023
TikTok creator spotlight @chrxstopherhall
After a jam-packed month of comedy and creativity, this year's Edinburgh Fringe is coming to a close. But we couldn't tie up our Fringe Creator Spotlight series without first sitting down with the multi-talented showman, @chrxtopherhall.
Christopher has built a community of just under 400,000 followers on TikTok with his relatable humour and hilarious back-up dancer skits, dancing and lip-syncing alongside his sister Elizabeth.
This August, he has taken his talents to the Fringe with his debut solo show, Self Helpless, an introspective and sarcastic look at modern life as a millennial.
We caught up with Christopher to dive into all things Fringe, what inspires him to create, and the content he can't get enough of on TikTok.
We are very excited to see you at the Fringe Festival; how does a live audience compare to sharing comedy on TikTok?
It’s really exciting to be in front of a live audience, you get such a great exchange of energy from the people in the room with you.
Why did you decide to start creating content on TikTok?
Creating content was a bit of a life saver for me in the pandemic. I’d always wanted to make comedy content but was always too shy or overthought it, so being able to do quick videos that were authentic was really enjoyable. I love how you can have an idea and execute it in minutes and then it’s out there.
What other comedy creators on TikTok do you follow?
So Manyyyy... @bomanizer, @delaneyrowe, @baileyjmills99, @sabrina.cinoman.brier, @ayame.p .
What is your goal on TikTok?
Just to carry on making content and getting more creative. As long as I’m enjoying it, I’m happy.
What is your favourite TikTok video you have made to date and why?
I did a spoof of the Netflix show ‘Cheer’ that sticks out in my mind. I remember getting a voice note from my friend who couldn’t talk because she was laughing so much at it which was so funny. My sister had to film it for me in her parking lot in America and she was very embarrassed for the neighbours.
What else is on your For You feed?!
I always scroll through @drewafualo's videos when I need a laugh. There's lots of dancing, reactions to weird stuff and clips of Real Housewives.
Finally, any top tips for first time visitors to the Fringe Festival next year?
Hydrate and nap! Take a chance and try and see as much as you can!
New to TikTok and want to explore #EdFringe? Getting involved couldn’t be easier, simply download the app for free via the Apple App Store, Google Play or Amazon.
Community26 Aug 2023
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