Community20 Jan 2023
TikTok Creator Spotlight: @beckysbazaar
People around the world are obsessed with thrifting right now. Whether you thrift to be more sustainable, save some money or to find unique items, it's a great way to ensure pre-loved clothes can find a new lease of life.
Step forward @beckysbazaar, who has been inspiring our community to get hunting for pre-loved wardrobe items. Her content focuses on thrifting challenges, her best thrift store finds and a day running her own thrift shop. She also provides some much needed inspiration to order a vintage mystery box - it looks like the perfect surprise to brighten up a cold January day! With a community of over 120k followers, it is clear Becky's passion for thrifting is contageous!
So whatever your reason for thrifting in 2023, Becky's love for second-hand clothes and bargains should give you all the enthusiasm you need to go to a charity shop or attend a car boot sale the next time you want to refresh your wardrobe.
This week, we sat down with Becky to chat all things thrifting, her growing TikTok account, and her favourite creators...
We love your content! If you could share one piece of money saving advice for January, what would it be?
Thank you so much! My one piece of advice would be: if you’re looking to buy some clothing or a new piece of furniture, make sure to check your local car boot sale, charity shop or any second hand selling apps first before paying full price. You will most likely find the exact item or one extremely similar in great condition for a fraction of the price (and you’re helping to reduce landfill waste too, it’s a win win!)
Here’s a cheeky bonus tip. To make a bit of extra cash during these difficult times, have a clear out of your wardrobe and get listing on second hand selling apps! I promise you don’t need that top you’ve been holding on to for way too long.
What first inspired you to create on TikTok?
I first started TikTok back in lockdown to recreate fun dances with my university housemates. We really thought we’d be the next @charlidamelio. Never in a million years did I think I’d end up taking it seriously and find a niche within the second hand fashion community.
Have you been surprised by the response to your content?
Genuinely so shocked! The fact that more people follow my account than there are seats inside Wembley stadium is absolute madness. I’m blown away by all the support and truly grateful.
What is your goal on TikTok?
My goal is to continue advocating for second hand fashion and encouraging people to step into their local charity shops or visit a car boot sale for the first time. I’d also love to visit America one day to make lots of content in thrift stores, estate sales or garage sales over there. I think it would be so much fun and take my videos to the next level.
What other creators are on your For You feed?
@garyvee is always appearing on my fyp with his daily dose of inspirational business advice. I’m also obsessed with @max_balegde and @tomtrottercoaching, their energy is unmatched and never fail to make me laugh after a difficult day. @blazedandglazed is truly the thrift queen and I love watching all her clothing hauls.
What do you love most about the TikTok community?
I love the ‘power of TikTok’. I can post a video at a car boot sale or charity shop and people who sold me items or were there at the same time will end up seeing the video. It’s crazy how videos can circulate rapidly across the whole world and the community can find people from one single clip. They’re real life detectives.
What is your favourite TikTok you have made to date and why?
My favourite TikTok I’ve ever made was the ‘trading a paper clip at a car boot sale’ challenge. I love the fact I was able to bring an already established idea to a completely different environment. The video definitely pushed me far out of my comfort zone and taught me how to handle A LOT of rejection. We got speaking to lots of people who loved the idea and wanted to hear more about my TikTok videos. In terms of numbers, the video was my most liked video ever! I plan to continue trading in the summer once car boot sales are back up and running, so stay tuned!
New to TikTok and want to explore more #savingmoney content? Getting involved couldn’t be easier, simply download the app for free via the Apple App Store, Google Play or Amazon.
Community20 Jan 2023
United Kingdom