We encourage our users to share their creativity with the world. But we also know that there are moments and times people may not want to share with a global audience, but rather with a select group of friends; with family, or with others who are close to them. That is why we would like to walk you through a brief overview of how you can take control of your privacy on TikTok.

Taking control of your privacy settings

You should consider which type of profile fits your TikTok needs — are you a public sharer or do you prefer to keep your experiences private and only share content with select audiences? You can now navigate to your security and privacy settings via the three dots on the top right of your screen and the respective sub-menu.

Take control of who finds you on the platform

By default, all of our users can find your profile on the platform — to view and engage with your creativity and the moments you share with them. By enabling the feature ‘private account’, only users who are explicitly permitted to view your videos can find and view them in their streams. Who gives them the permission? You do.

Take control of who can comment on your videos

By default, users who can view a video can also leave comments, remarks, or their thoughts on your video to engage more deeply with the content you create. Here, you can choose to alter the setting to either only allow commenting to your befriended users, or to prohibit commenting on any of your videos. Your videos, your choice.

Take control of who can perform a ‘duet’ with you

Duets are a way in which the creative exchange on TikTok can be taken a step further: Two users can perform individual videos alongside each other to be displayed as one video. By default, anyone can perform a duet with you. Here, you can take control if you want to allow a deeper creative exchange with any user, with friends, or if someone can perform a duet with you. Because after all this is a duet, and it takes two.

Take control of who can react on your content

We allow users to react to others’ videos and content. By hearting their videos, users can show their immediate reaction to other users’ content. This security feature puts you in control of who can react to your content: All users, friends, or no one.

Take control of who can send you messages

TikTok gives befriended users the opportunity to and interact with one another via the app. By default, only friends can send you messages. To chat with each other, to interact, and to engage in conversations about each other’s content. You can, however, disable messaging completely so that no other user on the network can send you messages.

We hope you enjoy getting started and for more information please visit our Safety Center.