Community12 May 2020
Happy International Nurses Day to all the #DancingNurses on TikTok!
NHS and the frontline workers have been continuously celebrated by TikTok community from the very beginning of the lockdown, with nurses taking a very special place in this movement.
Over the past few months we've seen a huge rise in the number of #DancingNurses joining our TikTok community to dance, laugh and enjoy some light relief during their shift breaks, which is a great way to increase morale in a time of uncertainty!
In the past couple of months TikTok videos being created by and for frontline health care workers gained almost 330 million views! Our NHS heroes are now viral TikTokkers, and we couldn't be prouder as they bring a little cheer into everyone’s lives. Although they are working on the front lines, these nurses bring only positivity and laughs, providing inspiration to viewers all around the world.
Not too long ago their brilliant creations, videos and dances, inspired us to partner with the RCN Foundation - the charitable arm of the Royal College of Nursing - to donate £5 million to its Covid-19 Appeal. This money will go directly to health and social care workers on the front line, providing them with practical and psychological support during and after the crisis.
We have been inspired and humbled to see all their incredible TikTok creations, during what are tough times on the NHS front line. So we wanted to take a moment, and use International Nurses Day to say a huge #ThankYouNHS to all the amazing nurses and health care staff who have joined the platform during lockdown to keep theirs, and ours spirits up.
Here are some of the best and brightest we've seen...
@EmmaMasterman2 and her Maternity team showing us how they keep strong on the frontline to Shakira
@AmyJaneBond and the A&E Lincoln team taking on the #OhNanaChallenge
@EmmaWiggans who's opened our eyes to the reality of being a nurse fighting Coronavirus
@Gloria110581 whose theatre team took on the #ChuHuAhChallenge
@lukec396 who has kept the rhythm going in multiple TikTok dance challenges!
Catch more amazing dance, challenge and creative videos from our frontline health care workers and nurses by following these hashtag challenges:
- #DancingNurses - 1.5 million views
- #NHSHeroes - 15 million views
- #ClapForOurCarers - 79 million views
- #ThankYouNHS - 485 million views
- #CelebrateDoctors - 2.3 billion views
Check these all out- just download the TikTok app for free via the Apple AppStore, Google Play or Amazon.
Community12 May 2020
United Kingdom