From book reviews to writing tips, plot reenactments of popular novels and more, #BookTok (165B global views) is one of the most thriving communities on TikTok, bringing together creators, authors, and bookworms across the world with a shared passion for reading and literature. With a more than 140% increase in total views over the past year, #BookTok has not only helped inspire a new generation of book lovers, but continues to heighten all aspects of the literary world by reigniting a love for reading, launching new authors into the mainstream, and helping to boost print book sales.

To celebrate National Book Lovers Day (Aug. 9) and as we explore new ways for our #BookTok community to create, learn, and connect, we're delighted to introduce our Global #BookTok Challenge. From Aug. 1 until Aug. 31, we're encouraging book lovers to join our global community to create #BookTok themed content, such as book reviews, must-read lists, book recommendations, and more. Creators who post at least two videos with the #BookTok hashtag will receive a special #BookTok profile frame along with other exclusive prizes, ultimately elevating their position as a true #BookTok super fan!

Creators in the United States can participate in the #BookTok Challenge by posting content among the following sub-challenges and tagging #BookTok:

  • Underrated reads: Create a video about an underrated book and why you recommend that book.
  • Favorite books: Post a video about three books you wish you could read again for the first time.
  • Creator love: Shoutout five BookTok creators you love in a video and why you should follow them.
  • Small Business support: Make a video to recommend a #BookTok small business, bookstore or library.
  • Real-life tips: Post how you can apply hacks and knowledge from books to daily life (cooking, outfits, fashion, travel, finance, etc.).

The #BookTok Challenge builds on our community's spirit of creativity and collaboration by giving them new opportunities to engage with book lovers across the globe. As a platform, we continue to find new ways to actively support and celebrate the #BookTok community on TikTok and beyond. Earlier this year, we announced a partnership with Candle Media that includes a unique program with Hello Sunshine (@hellosunshine) – a media company founded by Reese Witherspoon - to uncover underrepresented independent authors and literary material from the vibrant #BookTok community to support the development of premium film, TV, and premium audio projects.

With this new global challenge, we're excited to help our global #BookTok community take content creation to the next level throughout the month of August! Join us by tagging #BookTok in your videos for a chance to receive special prizes, and follow along at #BookTok to keep up with the latest trends, recommendations, reviews and more from our passionate community.

**As of August 8, 2023 and for the past year. All numbers global.