As the global COVID-19 crisis has unfolded, it's been inspiring to see the consistent outpouring of support for our health care workers – from communities writing positive messages for nurses and doctors in hospital parking lots, to entire cities cheering for health care workers from their quarantined balconies.
What's been equally rewarding is to share in the emotions – often of joy and relief – that health care workers have been able to find during these stressful times: medical teams dancing to convey the importance of staying home to convey the importance of staying home, doctors from the US applauding the arrival of doctors from Cuba arriving to help doctors in Italy, ER nurses letting loose and joining in on popular trends during their breaks.
Today is National Doctors' Day, and this couldn't come at a better time to unite and recognize the incredible health care community. Now more than ever we need to #CelebrateDoctors and recognize the heroism of health care professionals who are battling on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.
We're honoring our incredible community of health care workers in the app with a special sticker to help our TikTok community #CelebrateDoctors.
Outside the app, we‘re continuing to do our small part to support health care workers, including donating to the World Health Organization's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and matching employee donations to Direct Relief to provide essential medical items for health workers responding to coronavirus. We've also helped procure masks for heavily impacted hospitals, including in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York.
Today, and every day, our health worker heroes deserve our recognition and our deepest gratitude. Join us and our amazing doctors in celebrating National Doctors' Day on TikTok!