2024 大選:TikTok 如何保護社群安全
為社群打造一個值得信賴、能夠相互溝通的平台是 TikTok 的使命,我們也致力營造一個透明、安全的環境。我們體認到這在選舉期間尤其重要,正因如此,我們希望透過此篇新聞室文章公開分享 TikTok 如何在 2024 年大選期間保護社群。
您可以從以下資料中,了解 TikTok 在選舉期間如何做出強而有力的行動,為社群提供值得信賴的權威性資訊、移除有害內容,以及與 MyGoPen、法新社 等產業專家合作,化解危害平台誠信的威脅。
如同其他曾進行重大選舉的市場,TikTok 在 2024 年大選期間也投入許多資源,來保障社群安全和平台的選舉誠信,其中包含:
- 與 MyGoPen 攜手推出的<選舉指南>被社群瀏覽逾 842,000 次(註一)
- 在 LIVE 直播中,引導使用者至<選舉指南>的通知標籤已獲得超過 217,000 次點擊(註一)
- 在選舉之前,我們與中央選舉委員會建立了直接通報管道,讓中選會向平台舉報疑似違反臺灣選舉法令或TikTok社群自律公約的內容,再由TikTok團隊依據平台政策進行評估處置。在與中選會戮力合作之下,我們已成功將82則影片*在被用戶分享前迅速移除 (註二)。此外,我們也與內政部警政署建立直接通報管道,讓執法單位可以直接舉報影音內容。在選舉後,我們亦持續受理來自中選會及警政署的官方舉報。
- 此外,我們也與台灣事實查核中心和 6 位知名在地創作者合作,於 2023 年 11 月推出 #TikTok安全大揭秘 活動,與社群共同提升數位素養、辨識錯誤訊息、保障青少年安全,至今活動主題標籤已獲得逾 1,100 萬次觀看
選舉是社群對話的重要時刻,我們樂見理性公正的對話與討論,因此也在社群自律公約中,禁止分享任何對於公民與選舉過程錯誤的資訊。自 2023 年 10 月 14 日至 2024 年 1 月 14 日,我們已移除近 1,500 支違規影片,其中包含 478 支違反「公民與選舉誠信」政策的影片,與 944 支包含錯誤資訊的影片。
法新社(AFP)作為 TikTok 全球安全夥伴的一員,也與我們合作評估潛在的錯誤資訊。這些安全夥伴並不會直接審核平台內容,但會協助 TikTok 的內容審核人員確認該影片是否屬實,並使其依據<社群自律公約>做出正確的決策。這些安全夥伴也會為 TikTok 提供建議,讓我們能偵測有害的錯誤訊息,並預見可能的虛假資訊。在安全夥伴的協助下,我們已移除超過 220 支違規影片(註二)。
此外,在選舉期間,使用者可直接在應用程式內點擊專屬的「選舉錯誤資訊」舉報按鈕,將有問題的內容舉報給 TikTok 官方團隊。
TikTok 嚴格禁止隱匿影響力操控行為,我們也在選舉前格外注意相關問題。隱匿影響力操控行為是指使用者透過系統性、不真實的行為,進而影響、操縱公眾意見。
我們也在 2023 年第四季監測到一個源於台灣的系統網路,發現其目的為在平台上散播親中言論。我們在此網路中發現擁有 4,022 名粉絲的 21 個帳號,並在發現操控行為後將其全數移除。如同 TikTok 過往的工作流程,我們將在 2023 年第四季社群自律公約執行報告中分享更多細節。
此外,我們也與總部位於倫敦的情報與線上威脅偵測公司 PGI 合作,透過其專業幫助 TikTok 辨識出可能的欺騙行為,進一步強化 TikTok 的數位韌性。
我們向本次選舉期間協力保護 TikTok 社群的法新社、PGI 等安全夥伴致上謝意。
我們非常重視和各界人士的溝通,包含 TikTok 在 2024 大選期間為保護社群所付出的努力。因此,我們也在選舉前與不同政黨進行個別交流,讓各政黨都能了解我們如何維持選舉誠信。
我們知道保持社群安全這項工作任重而道遠,TikTok 也會繼續投入資源維持平台安全,持續創造一個安全、讓社群表達無限創意的空間,也讓所有來到 TikTok 的使用者都能自在表達不同意見。
註一:數據區間為 2023 年 10 月 14 日至 2024 年 1 月 14 日
註二:數據區間為 2023 年 12 月 15 日至 2024 年 1 月 24 日
2024 Taiwan Election Insights
At TikTok, we are committed to being transparent about how we keep our platform safe, because it helps to build trust and understanding with our community. This is especially important during election periods, and that is why today, we are sharing more information about how we worked to protect our community through the 2024 elections, which happened on 13 January.
These new figures demonstrate our actions to safeguard our community by directing people to authoritative information, removing harmful content, and partnering with experts including MyGoPen and AFP to counter threats against the integrity of our platform.
As an entertainment platform, we want to enable a creative, safe, and civil place for our community during elections that allows for the expression of a broad range of political views. We continue to create an environment where users can authentically express themselves on a variety of issues, including political and social issues, and to that end we have long prohibited paid political advertising on our platform.
Resources ahead and during the election to ensure election integrity
Consistent with our approach to elections globally, TikTok invested important resources to protect the integrity of our platform throughout the 2024 Elections. As a result:
- Our in-app Election Guide with MyGoPen was viewed more than 842,000 times* by our community.
- Our LIVE room banners, which directed users to the election guide, had more than 217,000 clicks*
- Prior to the elections, we established a direct reporting channel with the Central Election Commission (CEC) to flag content they believe may be in breach of any local electoral laws or our Community Guidelines, so that our teams can assess it and apply our policies accordingly. Working with the CEC, we were able to quickly remove 82 videos** to curb harmful content before it spread further. In addition, we also established a direct reporting channel with the National Police Agency (NPA), Ministry of the Interior (MOI) so that law enforcement can directly report audiovisual content. We continue to respond to reports submitted by the CEC and NPA in this post-election period.
- We worked with organisations including the Taiwan Factcheck Center and 6 well-known local creators on a digital literacy campaign focusing on media literacy, identifying misinformation and minor safety in November. Our community continue to learn from these videos, with the campaign hashtag #tiktok安全大揭秘 receiving over 11M views.
Addressing misinformation through strengthened reporting
We want to enable the informed exchange of civic ideas in a way that fosters productive dialogue. Our Community Guidelines prohibit misinformation about civic and electoral processes, regardless of intent.
- From 14 October 2023 to 14 January 2024, we removed almost 1,500 videos for violating our misinformation and civic and election integrity policies:
- Civic & Election Integrity: 478 videos removed
- Misinformation: 944 videos removed
To assess potential misinformation, we partner with AFP as part of our global fact-checking program. These partners do not moderate content directly on TikTok, but assess whether a claim is true, false, or unsubstantiated so that our moderators can take the right action based on our Community Guidelines. They also share intelligence that helps us detect harmful misinformation and anticipate misinformation trends.
- We removed over 220 videos* thanks to our fact-checking partners' independent assessment.
During the elections, users can report misleading content directly through our app, with a specific election misinformation reporting button available to our community.
Covert influence operations
At TikTok, we firmly prohibit covert influence operations and were particularly vigilant ahead of the election. Covert influence operations are coordinated, inauthentic behaviors where networks of accounts work together to mislead people or our systems and try to covertly influence public discussion.
In Q4 2023 we detected a network that operated from Taiwan and targeted Taiwan to covertly amplify pro-China narratives around cross-strait relations. It had 21 accounts with 4,022 followers, which we removed from our platform. In line with our standard process, we'll be sharing more on this network in our Q4 Community Guidelines Enforcement Report.
We have teams with deep expertise in influence operations who continuously work to disrupt any covert influence operations and stay ahead of their evolving tactics, especially during elections. You can learn more about our approach here.
In addition to our internal investigation methodology, we work with a London-based intelligence and online threat detection firm specialising in detecting deceptive behaviors as an intelligence partner, further bolstering our efforts in this space.
Safeguarding Our Community and the Taiwan Election
We are grateful for the support of our partners, including AFP and PGI, in helping to safeguard our community over this election period.
We also recognise the importance of educating stakeholders about our platform guidelines, particularly during election periods, and that is why we met with all major political parties prior to the elections to inform them about our approach to electoral integrity.
We know there is no finish line and we will continue to invest in building a safe, creative space where our community can express themselves creatively.
*NOTE: Data points from 14 October 2023 to 14 January 2024
**NOTE: Data points from 15 December 2023 to 24 January 2024