TikTok 攜手 MyGoPen 推出 〈2024 年選舉指南〉

作為 TikTok 長久保護選舉誠信的一環,TikTok 於今(24)日宣布攜手與國際事實查核聯盟(IFCN)認證的事實查核組織 MyGoPen 推出 〈2024 年選舉指南〉, 為社群提供公正的選舉資訊。
透過〈2024 年選舉指南〉,TikTok 使用者將能:
- 找到中央選舉委員會的官網,並獲得 2024 選舉正確官方消息
- 藉由 MyGoPen 製作的影片,了解如何發掘假訊息以及該如何進行事實查核,並舉報違反 TikTok〈社群自律公約〉的內容
- 在選舉相關的影片中,看到「通知標籤」,這些標籤便是在提醒使用者可以如何獲得選舉相關資訊、遵守 TikTok 的社群自律公約、進行事實查核,以及舉報他們認為可能違規的內容
與此同時,TikTok 也與中央選舉委員會(中選會)和警政署(NPA)建立了專門的內容通報管道,讓他們在發現可能違法,或是違反 TikTok〈社群自律公約〉的內容時,可以直接分享給 TikTok 。

圖說:當 TikTok 社群在搜尋或觀看選舉相關的影片或直播時,他們將會被引導至〈2024 年選舉指南〉頁面。
為了在選舉前強化 TikTok 應對虛假訊息的能力,我們不僅與法新社合作,使其成為我們事實查核計畫的安全夥伴之一。同時,我們也與 PGI 進行合作,進一步強化 TikTok 在建構數位韌性的努力。
除此之外,我們在今年 11 月也與台灣事實查核中心、兒福聯盟以及 6 位在地知名創作者合作,呼籲社群關注數位素養。在台灣事實查核中心、兒福聯盟的支持,以及 輪胎行老謝(@hongteng)和綸綸老師(@jolly81)等在地創作者的系列影片下,我們成功向社群介紹如何使用 TikTok 的安全工具。至今,該活動主題標籤 #tiktok安全大揭秘 的影片,也已突破 1,100 萬次觀看,再再顯示 TikTok 社群持續從中獲得新知。
TikTok 嚴格禁止任何企圖影響、操控或誤導社群的帳號。對於這些行為,我們採取非常嚴格的態度。
在社群自律公約執行報告內,您可以看到因協同性造假行為,而被 TikTok 刪除的帳戶數量。TikTok 擁有專業團隊,致力於偵測、打擊任何協同性影響行為的內容,並會在處理相關內容後,進行事後分析。針對任何企圖透過協同性行為來影響公眾輿論,或是透過虛假身分來誤導其他使用者與 TikTok 的行為,我們將永久禁止該帳號
如同我們在社群自律公約執行報告分享,我們曾在 2022 年偵測到一個試圖影響台灣使用者的團體,且已針對該行為進行處置。在選舉前夕如此重要的時間點,我們將繼續打擊,並持續揭露我們在平台上偵測到的相關行為。
TikTok 使用者可以輕易地透過應用程式內的功能,直接舉報錯誤訊息。與此同時,我們在舉報理由中,也特別增加有關於選舉假消息的選項。任何有關於選舉假消息的舉報,都會由 TikTok 的專業團隊,依據規範進行審核。
如果我們或是事實查核機構發現影片可能包含未經驗證的訊息,我們將會通知創作者,並將該影片標記為未經驗證的內容。針對誤導性內容的傳播,TikTok 也將在使用者嘗試分享影片時,主動發送提醒與警告,表示他們即將分享的內容已被標記為未經驗證的內容。
守護 TikTok 社群和在地選舉
TikTok 是創造歡笑並啟發創意的園地,因此我們不接受在平台上投放付費的政治廣告。 TikTok 是台灣社群分享真實自我、表達自己創意的美好平台。因此,在公共議題上,我們也會繼續努力為社群提供知識且具有權威的資訊。
我們的目標是讓 TikTok 成為真實內容得以蓬勃發展的地方,正如我們的選舉指南所反映的,我們將繼續為維護平台及保護選舉公正性努力。
TikTok Launches 2024 Election Guide, in partnership with MyGoPen

As part of our ongoing efforts to protect election integrity and support our community with authoritative information, TikTok is launching an in-app 2024 Election Guide in partnership with MyGoPen, a fact-checking organisation certified by IFCN (International Fact-Checking Network) who are based in Taiwan.
The Election Guide contains:
- Links to official Central Election Commission (CEC) online resources, which provides authoritative information about the upcoming 2024 elections.
- Educational resources on how to spot misinformation, verify facts and report content that violates TikTok's Community Guidelines, developed by MyGoPen.
- We will also add notice tags to election-related videos to remind people to get more information on the Taiwan Elections, follow our Community Guidelines, verify facts, and report content they believe may violate our policies.
TikTok has also established a dedicated reporting channel for the CEC and the National Police Agency (NPA) to flag content they believe may be in breach of any local electoral laws or our Community Guidelines, so that our teams can assess it and apply our policies accordingly.

Our community will be directed to the Election Guide when they search for election-related content, view election-related videos, and while viewing LIVE content.
Combatting misinformation and promoting digital literacy
Our Community Guidelines prohibit harmful misinformation that may cause significant harm to individuals or society, regardless of intent. This includes misinformation about civic and electoral processes.
To help us assess potential misinformation, we partner with AFP as part of our global fact-checking program. Ahead of the elections, we are also working with PGI as an intelligence partner, further bolstering our efforts in this space.
We worked with the Taiwan Factcheck Center, the Child Welfare League and 6 well-known local creators on a digital literacy campaign focusing on media literacy and minor safety in November. Through a series of creator videos by local creators like 輪胎行老謝(@hongteng)and 綸綸老師(@jolly81), and supported by Taiwan Factcheck Center and Child Welfare League, we covered topics like how to use TikTok's safety tools and staying safe online. Our community are still continue to learn from these videos, with the campaign hashtag #tiktok安全大揭秘 receiving over 11M views.
Countering influence operations
We firmly prohibit account behaviors that may spam or mislead our community, including conducting covert influence operations, which we take particularly seriously.
We are also transparent about the networks we remove for engaging in covert influence operations which we now report as part of our Community Guidelines Enforcement Reports. We have expert staff who work to detect, disrupt, and perform post-mortem analysis on any covert influence operations. We permanently ban any accounts that we determine have attempted coordinated efforts to influence public opinion, or mislead users or TikTok's systems about their identities.
As highlighted in our Community Guidelines Enforcement Reports, in Q3 2022, we detected a network that targeted primarily Taiwanese audiences , and we will continue to address and disclose influence operations detected on our platform.
We make it easy for users to report misleading content directly through our app, with a specific election misinformation reporting button available to our community. Using this election misinformation button will trigger a report to our team who review alerts in accordance with our policies around misinformation.
Where a video is found or assessed by a factchecker to possibly contain unverified information, the creator would be notified that their video was flagged for unverified content. TikTok may also intervene to discourage the spread of such misleading content, using prompts when a user attempts to share a video, with a warning reminding them that the content has been flagged as unverified.
Safeguarding Our Community and the Taiwan Elections
TikTok is a home for entertainment and creativity, which is why we don't allow paid political advertisements on our app. We know TikTok is a home where our community in Taiwan authentically express themselves – and with that in mind, we're focused on supporting our users with education and authoritative information on public issues that they care about.
Our goal is to keep TikTok a place where authentic content can thrive, and our Election Guide reflects our ongoing efforts to protect the integrity of our platform, and the Taiwan elections.