Next up on our FashionTok Spotlight is the fabulous Rachel Maguire (more commonly known as @rashhiiid)! Rachel is an up and coming Irish fashion designer who has made a name for herself through her iconic, faux-fur hats. Not only has her business expanded to boots, coats and handbags, her work has also caught the attention of some of the world's biggest stars such as @dojacat and @arianagrande. Rachel's unique style and fashion is a significant part of her presence on TikTok. Read more about Rachel, her business, and her best friend Doja below!

Q: How did you get into fashion, and what motivated you to share it on TikTok specifically?

A: During a period where I felt very lost I got great advice: to stop doing college courses that sound like good career options and to look at what hobbies I already have that make me happy. Focus on building that without needing to see an end goal. So I dropped out of marketing and started in fashion. I had never sewn anything before, but how I dressed had always been a part of my personality. TikTok seemed like a safer space than the other platforms I had curated a perfect happy image on. As soon as I saw how raw, chaotic and honest people were being on TikTok, I started making my own videos. I wasn’t just highlighting my good days or my pretty side, so that felt special.

Q: Hats have become intrinsically linked with Rashhiiid. What made you choose hats as the standout feature of your brand?

A: I didn’t exactly choose it. I just made myself a beige faux fur hat that I couldn’t find on the market during my final year of college. Everywhere I went in it strangers were asking to touch it or try it on. This was during the height of Covid, I couldn’t believe something I had created was sparking human connection during this time. I also felt the local desire for the hat I’d created, so I took the opportunity. Within a few weeks every girl in my class owned one and it grew organically. I quickly quit my job to make hats in the evenings. I struggled to focus on anything else for the rest of my final year.

Q: Your hats have caught the attention of some of the world’s biggest stars - in particular Doja Cat. How does it feel to see your work worn and appreciated by major celebrities like Doja?

A: It’s a mix of emotions, like you said, once they appreciate it, it feels incredible. Like @dojacat, tagging my brand when wearing my pieces, for millions of people to see, I’ve never felt a feeling like that. I felt like all of my hard work was finally worth it. But often your gifted designs are not met with appreciation, they are possibly worn but not tagged or photographed, or they are left in a warehouse somewhere gathering dust. So I’ve learned you can’t rely on celebrities for your success or how happy you are with your designs because they will always let you down, I try to focus on other things now. Owning a small handmade business in the fashion industry, you really have to believe in yourself to the point of delusion.

Q: Which other Irish TikTok creators inspire you?

A: @achesdub a mural artist who I collaborated with to spray paint the back of one of my faux fur coats, @ogkojaque for his incredible music, and @kee_mon for her real life raw honesty.

Q: What is the best thing about being a fashion designer?

A: That I turned my hobby into my career. People come and go, life can be very difficult, so I think if you love what you do on a day to day basis, you can get through anything life throws at you.