Join us in celebrating Black History Month with Creator Spotlights highlighting some of Ireland's top black creators! While we suport #BlackTikTok all year-round, we want to take this month to proactively spotlight Black creators on TikTok and celebrate the importance of Black heritage and culture in Ireland. First up, we have the face behind the one and only Ryanair TikTok account - @thatguybillosh! Bill has found huge success on TikTok for his light-hearted, relatable videos that range from taking the bus to growing up black in Ireland. Read our interview with Bill below, where he fills us in on why he started making videos on TikTok, and the importance of Black History Month not just for him, but for future generations.

Q: What first inspired you to create on TikTok and why?

A: When I first joined the app it showed me a side of people’s lives that was real and authentic. Not only did it make me feel accepted, but it also celebrated who I am for just being my goofy self. It was a sense of belonging.

Q: What does black history mean to you?

A: It means acknowledging your heritage, the people who came before you, the efforts made so the black community today can thrive. It’s for the present to be mindful of that, and show the best sides of black history and continue being your best black self.

Q: What other black creators are on your For You feed?

A: Some of my favourites include: @viktoralfred11, @kosinfinityandbeyond, @onyedkwe, @shreksdumpster, @lingandlamb

Q: What is your favourite TikTok you have made to date and why?

A: This was the teenage dirtbag trend and it’s about a lot of the things I would’ve been teased and made fun of for growing up. I’m happy to see that years later other people also had similar experiences so I was able to show a lot of kids today that they’re not alone.

Q: What does it mean to you to be a part of TikTok’s Trailblazer campaign for Black History Month?

A: It means so much to be part of this campaign because it allows me to contribute to a legacy of progress and inspire future generations. A reminder that the struggle for equality is ongoing and we have a role to play in shaping a brighter future.