From #pregnancy through to #raisingteens, parents of all stages are finding community on TikTok. This community is all about sharing raw, unfiltered experiences of parenting, and finding support and companionship from others going through the same.
To recognise the billions of parents who are coming to TikTok every single day to share their personal experience, the #ParentsofTikTok campaign will celebrate, support and spotlight this inspiring and authentic community.
So there is no better woman to kick start our #ParentsofTikTok spotlight series than @hellorebeccaryan! Rebecca is an actor, wife and mum of two, who shares the raw, uncensored side of parenting, through her hilarious TikToks. Read our conversation with Rebecca below, where we discussed why she started sharing her content on TikTok, and the highs and lows that come with parenting.
Q: What inspired you to start sharing your parenting journey on TikTok?
A: I’m an actor by trade and I am always looking for ways to be creative. I got really into TikTok during the lockdown and at the same time we had our first child! I saw other mums on the app sharing humorous videos about their daily lives raising a child and that always made me feel I wasn’t alone in the things I was experiencing as a new mother, so I decided to use comedy to share my own experiences.
Q: Parenting comes with its fair share of challenges. What support have you found within the TikTok parenting community during more challenging times?
A: Parenthood doesn’t come with a manual, and while we are incredibly blessed to have two children, it does come with its own challenges every day. I find it so refreshing that there is a great community on TikTok of other mums or parents who are very open about their own lives and supportive of one another. There’s always great chat in the comment section and I’ve made some great friends on TikTok!
Q: What advice would you give to new parents who are interested in sharing their parenting journey on TikTok?
A: Be yourself, have fun and be honest - There are people out there who are interested in what you have to say. So keep posting and you will find your community.
Q: What's the most rewarding part about being a parent, and how does that influence your approach to creating content?
A: Seeing them grow everyday, watching their little characters shape, seeing their eyes light up when something excites them and hearing them laugh. While parenthood has its challenges, and most of my content is about being a burnt out mom (lol) they are worth every second of it. I love connecting with other parents through humour about the challenging aspects of parenthood through laughter. Because at the end of the day we love our kids to absolute bits!
Q: What is your favourite TikTok you've made to date and why?
A: My favourite TikTok that I’ve made to date was about pretending I’m visiting my kids when they get their first home and doing all the things to their house that they did to ours such as spraying toothpaste on the mirror, jumping on furniture, getting crumbs everywhere, licking the windows etc. I wouldn’t actually do these things in real life but I’m glad it gave parents a good laugh and they could relate and know most kids do the same thing - they’re not alone! Parents pipped in to say in the comments that I missed things like leaving the tap running, leaving all the lights on, hiding the batteries of the remote control etc, so it ended up being about a four part series - which was a lot of fun to do!
Q: What other parent creators are on your For You feed?
A: Some of my favourites inclulde @mammybanter, @maverickmother, @justsarebear and @mamastillgotit_ are all coming up on my feed at the moment. I love how they share comedy skits about their lives as a parent, which make me feel I’m not alone and gives me a giggle at the same time - Laughter is good for the soul!