Since we launched TikTok LIVE, creators have tapped into the magic of real-time entertainment to build communities, co-create with their audiences, and unlock unique economic opportunities with their creativity. Our priority is to build resources, processes and tools that can help people do that safely, inclusively and authentically. In this post, we're highlighting some of the ways we've been working to help creators thrive and bond with their audiences, and sharing a look ahead at updates that will further foster positive, inclusive and joyful LIVE communities.

Building a safe foundation for LIVE interactions

We believe that joyful interactions start with feeling safe, which is why we continuously invest in tools and resources that help protect and empower our community. In addition to evolving our own LIVE moderation processes to keep pace with our community's growth, we've rolled out over 10 customizable safety tools to-date, which enable creators and viewers to personalize their LIVE experience. To help people understand the policies that keep LIVE safe, we've also built educational resources like our online LIVE Safety Center and an in-app LIVE Safety Education Center where creators can view their policy violations and read engaging "how-to" guides on following our rules.

Inspiring creativity while prioritizing safety

In addition to building community tools and resources, we've worked to foster creativity while prioritizing safety with some of the firmest streaming requirements in the industry. Creators must be at least 18 years old before they can go LIVE, and their account must meet certain other criteria, including follower requirements. Viewers must be at least 18 years old to purchase coins or use the LIVE Gifting feature.

Expanding our onboarding resources

As LIVE evolves and we learn from our community's feedback, we're investing in additional onboarding and safety features that can better support and welcome new streamers. For example, we're starting to grant new creators access to all the features LIVE has to offer in phases. This helps new creators get used to going LIVE before they delve into all the monetization and interaction features that enhance that experience further.

To better enable responsible but less well-established creators as they start to build their TikTok LIVE community, we're also testing different minimum follower requirements. As we test this, some new LIVE creators may be asked to complete additional steps to gain LIVE access, such as reconfirming their age.

Clarifying our rules to foster authentic, engaging interactions

We're also starting to introduce new LIVE Monetization Guidelines. The guidelines lay out how some content—for example content that is graphic, inauthentic or low quality—is not eligible to earn money through LIVE features. The vast majority of creators already follow these rules, and we believe the new guidelines will better enable their creativity while helping ensure our features promote the positive, authentic interactions they're intended for.

The guidelines are available for creators to read in the in-app LIVE Safety Education Center starting [today]. As we roll them out gradually over coming months, creators who violate them will receive a notification and may have their access to LIVE monetization features restricted. They'll be able to view any violations in the LIVE Safety Education Center. TikTok's Community Guidelines and Terms of Service will continue to set the foundational rules and standards for all content across the platform, and LIVE creators must continue to follow these just like anyone else.

Continuing to evolve and improve LIVE

LIVE is built on the joy of shared experiences, and we're always working to partner with our community, learn from their feedback, and unlock new creative and economic opportunities for them. Creators can continue to follow the latest updates and bond with other LIVE community members through our LIVE TikTok account and the LIVE Center in their Creator Tools menu.