Tech guru Gift Ndou, aka "Lachief," is shaking up the tech scene with his insights and practical solutions for daily use.

His goal? To simplify people’s lives through engaging content that resonates with his community.

Despite encountering setbacks, including having to drop out of his computer science programme during his third year due to financial constraints, Lachief was determined to make a difference. He found solace and a platform for his creativity through TikTok, where he dedicated himself to creating content that both educated and entertained his audience. With a following of over 2.3 million, Lachief has established himself as a reliable and valuable source for all things tech.

Please tell us about yourself.

I am from a rural place called Dzanani Musanda in Venda, in Limpopo, South Africa. I started making videos with very little to my name. At the time, I was without a job or a clear direction. However, everything turned around when I started making TikTok videos.

Why did you decide to become a content creator?

As a student, I faced financial struggles and had a hard time getting study materials, which resulted in me dropping out of my 3(rd) year as a Computer Science student. I know there are people who face the same challenges I did while in university, especially in South Africa given the economic challenges. This inspired me to make videos to help people with valuable tips about computers and how to use the features on their cell phones. Understanding the plight of poverty and the difficulty students face affording study materials, I found ways to help people access online study materials, aiming to make their lives easier.

Why did you choose TikTok as a platform:

TikTok is a user-friendly platform where anyone can create and share content. It's perfect for connecting with others, showcasing your skills, and sharing what you love. It's also simple to gain support through building a community while learning new things on the platform.

What was your first "win" that gave you confidence that you were doing the right thing?

When I started, my community used to ask me to create more videos about tech tips, and their feedback was very positive. It made me happy to know I was helping them with my content. In three weeks of making my TikTok videos, an international tech brand contacted me for a collaboration opportunity. That made me realize I could do this on a daily basis since I didn't have a job and couldn't even pay my rent on time. From there, things took off, and the rest is history.

What is the most challenging aspect of content creation?

  • Striving for perfection can lead to delays and hinder progress in content creation.
  • Developing a unique style or tone that stands out can take time.
  • The fear that your content won't be well-received can hold you back.

What advice do you have for other content creators starting out who want to make their content accessible?

Before you press that recording button on your phone, first take time to think about how you wish to improve someone's day/life. Once you figure that out, find other creators on the app who are doing the same thing really well. Learn from them by watching and understanding how they do things.

Start small with what you have. Don't be discouraged by slow growth, and be consistent. Consistency takes time to show its effects, but it's crucial to long-term success. Practice leads to improvement: The more you create, the better you'll become.