Nigerian 'Football Fans Tribe', Giving everyday football fans a voice on TikTok: their voices will be heard!

Tox is the team leader and presenter of Football Fans Tribe, Africa's largest football fan platform, which brings the opinions of everyday football fans in Nigeria and Africa to the rest of the world through high-quality video content. Here, he shares how content is the goal: one fan at a time, one local viewing center at a time, and one stadium at a time.

What sparked your initial interest in football and how did that lead to where you are now?

I grew up in a football-loving home and community. Football was always around me and I related to it easily. Growing up in a modest environment and actually living most of the content I'm currently putting out right now is something that came together seamlessly and is a large part of who I am today.

What are your thoughts on the growing popularity of women in football? Do you believe platforms like TikTok can help this cause and why?

A platform like Tiktok, with its current global standing, has a role to play in boosting women's football to the next level. We live in the age of content and TikTok is the content platform for the next generation, a generation that will hopefully close the huge gap between men’s and women’s football.

How do you believe global football tournaments such as the FIFA Women's World Cup can further empower women in the sport?

We’re seeing increased numbers of women in areas such as broadcasting and coaching, which should boost participation enormously. We need more female presenters, crew, coaches, assistants, and ball "girls".

Can you share some insight into the feedback and reactions received from your audience on TikTok regarding your content and how these responses shaped your subsequent work?

One key suggestion that truly changed the direction of my content was a simple comment on one of our videos, which suggested we speak our local Nigerian Pidgin English. As simple as it sounds, it's something that drastically changed the content itself and increased our international standing, because Nigerians and Africans from neighboring countries could easily relate and feel at home watching the content.

How will you be using TikTok as a platform to showcase your talents and engage with audiences during the FIFA Women's World Cup?

I will simply do what I know how to: bring undiluted emotions, opinions, and reactions of the everyday Nigerian fan to the world through high-quality visual content.