Last but not least, we spoke to Miss Stacy Stout (@missstoutshistoryclass) to round up #ExamTok on TikTok. Stacy has become one of the most well-known history teachers in Ireland, and she uses TikTok to teach her students the best tips and tricks to get that H1 in History Leaving Cert in June. She has also written a book sharing her favourite bits of advice for the Junior Cert cycle - “Skills for Exam History”.

Stacy talks about the top tips for this year's exams, and what advice she would give herself if she was to do it all over again!

Q: Why did you decide to start using TikTok to share study tips and Leaving Certificate tips?
A: For years, I have used social media and the internet to try to teach students History. When it became clear that TikTok was the most popular app for students to entertain and inform themselves, I decided to join and use the platform to provide accurate and engaging historical content.

Q: What are your main tips for Leaving Certificate students ahead of the exams?
A: 1. Stick to your timings. Each teacher will suggest slightly different timings but in general, spend around 50 minutes on your Document Based Question and then around 40 minutes on each essay. When your time is nearly up, make sure you jot down some sort of conclusion and then move on. You’re more likely to pick up more marks from the start of your next answer than trying to squeeze the last few out of the previous answer.

  1. The LC History course has a lot of content so if you are feeling overwhelmed, start with the Case Studies in each section and branch out from there; for example, you could start with the Nuremberg Rallies and then look at the rest of Nazi Propaganda, or if you start with the Moon Landing then you could branch out and look at other technological developments in relation to space and the military.
  2. Go back through past exam papers and spot the Case Studies, generally each year has at least one (or sometimes more) essay based around a case study. Sometimes these case studies will be mentioned by name, but sometimes you might need to figure out where a case study fits, and familiarity with exam questions will help with this.
  3. There are only three possible options for the Document-Based Question (DBQ), learn all three.
  4. Try to learn a variety of quotes that could be widely applicable to each topic, this can help to impress your examiner.

Q: Why did you decide to write a study skills book for history?
A: I’ve been involved in the creation of seven books over the past few years for Junior Cycle History. I created “Skills for Exam History” to bridge the gap between the content students learn in class and the Junior Cycle exam they will eventually sit. This book helps guide students through exam-style questions and hopefully removes some of the uncertainty and anxiety they may face sitting a relatively new exam. This book is also full of hints and tips to encourage students to answer every question and learn how to maximise the quality of the written work they are producing.

Q: What is the one piece of History exam advice you want every student to know?
A: Answer every question, you can’t receive marks if there’s nothing on the page. This is especially true in relation to Junior Cycle History exam when many questions are marked on a sliding scale and a significant portion of the exam has the answers in the sources provided.

Q: What has been the reaction from your students and fellow teachers since you started posting TikToks?
A: I think my students look at me like an embarrassing mom attempting to use the internet. My colleagues aren’t phased as our school social media accounts have been incredibly popular over the years.

Q: What is your favourite TikTok you have made to date and why?
A: My favourite TikTok is ‘Things I overheard in school today: TY hike edition’. I love my job and I think this ‘overheard’ series highlights just how fun and entertaining teaching can be. It demonstrates what an interesting view some of our students have of the world. I’ve also realised that it’s important to find a balance between entertaining videos like this and educational ones, students generally prefer funny or entertaining videos and then might accidentally end up watching an educational one which is the ultimate purpose of my account.

Q: What else or who else are you loving on your TikTok For You feed?
A: @templecarriggreystones puts a tremendous effort into showcasing daily life in our school. @lchistorytutor has incredibly helpful tips and tricks for LC History. @5minutehistory provides answers to a wide variety of student questions!

Q: What are some strategies for maintaining a healthy balance between study and relaxation during the exam season?
A: Create a routine and stick to it. Fresh air is incredibly important, remember to go outside. If the method of revision you’ve been using doesn’t work then try something else; play Quizlet or Booklet, make flashcards, record yourself reading your notes, answer exam questions, teach a topic to a family member or friend, turn your notes into a PowerPoint, make a list of short questions to go with a topic, listen to a podcast, etc.

Q: What is something you wish someone told you before sitting your leaving cert?
A: Always back yourself, if you don’t champion yourself then it’s going to be hard to convince other people to do so. Nobody really expects you to have your whole life figured out at 18, it’s ok if you’re unsure or uncertain about different things. The Leaving Cert is suited to a certain type of student, hard work will eventually pay off in the end even if it doesn’t necessarily do so in the Leaving Cert!